Cancel culture is exhausting. And milk knows it better than most. With disinformation everywhere, we decided to point a finger at the stupidity of doubting life's most wholesome treasures.
Nana, Grammy or MeeMaw are under fire for their reckless gift-giving and unlicensed baking.
Bad for the squirrels. Bad for the fleas. Bad for the environment. Fluffy & Fido have got to go!
If you've ever had a weird dream and thought, 'What does it mean?!', this radio spot is for you.
Oh & if you're looking for a Radio Mercury Awards Finalist, this radio spot is also for you!
A radio spot written to be a radio show. We love radio. And you know what they say... Never Doubt What You Love
Ahh, a nice little digital home where the campaign can live.
Alyssa Welfringer
Copyright © 2020 Alyssa Welfringer - All Writes Reserved.
shout-out to godaddy for the website